Wednesday 5 August 2020

5th August 2020 - Another day sans Communications

Thought for the day :"Six without S is 9"

A rainy blowy day today and we have decided to stay at the house. Have been down to the Paddock and shoveled a few barrels of goat poo into the compost heap, fed the peacocks and chickens, and not much else. 
Managed to get Susie onto mobile phone with EE, and surprisingly find that we get free mobile over wifi at the address so that is a bonus - knowing that we can get calls in.
Had a bit of a fight with Tesco as they were offering nothing for lack of service and wanting to charge me £54 for leaving them.
Had a far nicer guy on the phone today when we found that we had to unlock the network on her phone, and he agreed to take off all the comms costs for the phone - but that there was a residual value on the "free phone" of £34 which wold still have to be paid if I kept the phone, so that looks like a bonus option.
Fighting with Sky, as Openreach are now 7 days into the second service call when they suggest a 2-5 day completion. Apparently they keep re-scheduling - but it has been upgraded to the next level technician and we should have an update of why there is a delay tomorrow. Sky agrees that lack of service from 20th July is unacceptable. Too right !

Had a bit of a dial tone today, though very noisy, so managed a couple of calls from the home phone...
We are getting there - slowly !

Some more pictures from the move in...

Dining with Alf (Fresco)

Tavern in Progress

New Dragon for the Pond

Time for a Gin Methinks

(Photos 26-30 July 2020)

Cheers !


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