Tuesday 25 August 2020

25th August 2020 - Getting what you Wish for ... and other news

Thought for the day :"Taking up puppeteering for the foreseeable just so I can keep my hand in"

I have had some reasonable things from Wish. I expect to wait a long time and if they are meant to be cheap and plastic then coming from China is a good thing rather than a bad thing.

Of course - you can still get ripped off ...
A case in point - When you see something that is too good to be true then it probably is - I know !!
But - they way I though about it - the original price is set at £38, which is about £3.50 each - they are probably smaller than the ones I have bought already (and they are) and I bought mine for Germany two years ago when they were new technology. ( I have since taken one apart and find that it is the sets of LED's all flashing on and off in a particular order that makes them look like flickering fire) 
So two years on - and everyone doing it - seems legit..

So, let's say that there is a push on - then £7 and add the postage up to make the price up , say add £6.99 for the postage which we know is insignificant if you come on a container over the next two months, then £13.99 seems to be a reasonable price...

And the light seems to be fitting the bill. A little smaller than my existing ones and a little more cheaply made, clearly mass production has simplified the whole thing.. 

All in all - not a bad buy - except...

There is only one !!!
Now this could be a mistake - and I hope it is - but I have a bad feeling about this one.
See - when you look at the order closely it clearly says 12 piece LED lamp..
And on the packing it tells me that this lamp has 12 LED lights in it to make it flicker.

So, either misleading or a downright fraud...

However... In the time it has taken to write this blog, I have referred the matter to Wish automated customer services and they have refunded the amount in full!!
Can't ask better than that ..

And in fact - as I look to find a replacement order - almost all the adverts make it quite clear that they start at a single light and when you want several the price goes up - and in most cases the postage is about 9 or 10 pounds taking them back to my original pricing structure...

But all in all a successful day !

In other news - the Garden at 41 is being transformed by Nancy...

I am sure that she has more for later ..

And I am overjoyed by one of her finds - I lost my silver bracelet when clearing the basement a while ago - and hoped that it would turn up but feared that it may have come off as I was filling a black bag and had gone for ever...

You can see where the silver has worn so thin that it simply fell off my arm...
I was meant to be thinking about getting Gold ones made for our 50th, but Susie is of the opinion that we are unlikely to be wearing them formally now and we could do better things with the money - so that is one thing off the list....

In other news - it is getting to the end of the Masonic Year ...I have taken a big decision and decided to resign from my duplicate lodges, councils and conclaves. I wrote 10 resignation letters last night and by my calculation have probably saved about £550 in annual dues....

I have retained my membership one single "unit" for each of the 20 Orders of which I am a member. That will be reviewed during the year I think but I will keep my membership for the moment...

We shall see how the ceremonial and the meetings changed during the year ...

And so, Vic came for dinner today. He managed to find his way out of the complex and was ready to go when we called. Seemed to enjoy the Greek Lamb Stew we had for lunch, but it was very cold and wet..  So We lit the fire in the kitchen - we may need to work on keeping it alight - but it warms the house quickly...

But the river was very high...

Cheers !!

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