Tuesday 3 November 2020

3rd November 2020 - Election Day - But other things to do

Thought for the day: "The difference between a well dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly dressed man on a Unicycle is attire !!"

Heard today "Having a complete shut-down but leaving the schools and colleges open is like having a designated weeing area in the swimming pool"

Security levels have gone up in the UK in the wake of Vienna shooting atrocity - 4 dead so far, and after recent France attack. Security level is now Severe.

Wales is still set to exit the fire-break lockdown next Monday thoguh England remain on lock-down until December 2nd at earliest.

And the US votes for a President, House of Representatives and 33 Senators.
Meanwhile much of the US are boarding up their shop fronts in fear of street violence.
Trump still says that he will not accept the outcome if it does not include his election - 
May you live in interesting times...

In other news, we have had sun, rain, hail, and on occasion it has seemed as though someone was switching a shower on and off as torrential downfalls occur. I am told that parts of UK have had snow!

But we managed to prune the apple trees and prop a couple of them up with stakes to support.
I managed to trim some more box hedging before the battery ran out (I hadn't re-charged from the chain-sawing yesterday so not fully charged.
Cleared some of the top area near the road - and found where 'Thena has been getting out to the road. Or at least one of two or more places.

Finding a way through to the top of the section - I cut a number of hazel saplings which I then took to the road and wove into a make-shift  fencing. It may hold for the moment. 

While we were managing this two things happened. Firstly the skies opened ad as a result got a little wet!! But the sun was also shining and we had hail!
And so of course we had rainbows - and in this case it was a complete rainbow and indeed a double!

and a video view....

But it was also a day to head down to the beach at Llangrannog..   And though it was cold and blowy, the Dog enjoyed and we let the wind blow away some cobwebs.

 and a bit of video...

And so - let's get back to the USA and elections....
See you on the other side!
Cheers ! 


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