Wednesday 11 November 2020

11th November 2020 - Roofs, and Paddocks

Thought for the day:"I saw a scantily clad warrior singing.. it was a Bardbarian"


Office of National Statistics

A mixed day - mainly rain with occasional showers and deluge.... thought we did get out for a while to the lower paddock to see what we could find and extend the area for the ducks and the chickens.

But first - my task was to try and get a roof section onto the machine shop...


after - can't really see properly but there glass panes in a recessed frame

Taken off the end section ready for building a door 
I am listening to the rain hammering down now so will know tomorrow how water proof it may prove.
Still having trouble with the gutter outside the bedroom - tried the various waterproof tapes but still leaking - found that there were more leaves there today but still getting a drip - may have to take one side up to increase the flow - more new things to think about...

But back to the paddock...
Decided to fence off the whole area to allow the ducks and chickens to wander over a larger area (the chickens can get out any time they want but tend to stay behind the fencing - the ducks are contained mainly by the fencing - we were restricting the are they could go as they tend to destroy the grass - but it seems to be working okay at the moment)

New fencing put up along the pathway...

Giving a little more freedom.

Susie discovers an old ditch or waterway 

Looks as though the channel was filled with branches - possibly to stop the goats from falling in - we do not know.

But there is a clear channel and an area that could be dug out to make a pond...

A pipe feeds into the channel - the pipe goes under the pathway, presumably picking up water from the hill.
The line of the pipe...

Then it started raining harder so we gave up for today...

In other news TV Licensing are chasing me for 41 New Road - they apparently called on the 2nd to check whether anyone was watching TV. Gone on line to say that no TV apparatus is on the premises - we shall see if they want to visit again. 

Enough for one day..

Cheers !

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