Sunday 20 March 2022

20th March 2022 - Clearing the Island and Flowers Blooming

Thought for the day :"If Lawyers are disbarred and Clergy defrocked, then Organ donors are delivered"

Another lovely sunny day and a determination to get another 5 - a - day barrows of grit down to the lower quarter. Took the opportunity of finishing off the path around the Yurt and as Susie had introduced me to the "Island" which I had never rally looked at - about 1/3 acre of additional land between the established land area and the river, I decided to have a look at clearing my way into it ...

So, primarily, it was a case that some time in the past it had been a decision to run a straight line of barbed wire across the "island" and area that obviously spends a certain amount of time in any year under water but which at the moment seem pretty clear.. and that this wire could be moved and the area opened out...

So I did it .. I cleared the undergrowth and the dead branches and cut the wire into manageable lengths and then re-located it along the river bank - thus giving us access to the area which proved fairly dry under foot.   It seems we have a couple of glades that could well be used for camping if we ensure that the nettle and bramble and balsam cannot take root at the beginning of the year ...  It looks as though it could be managed with a weekly strimming and give us  a fairly large area that we were unaware of ...

So - as we start there is barbed wire and a lot of debris

And Later pictures..

A fairly good area...

And On the way back - the Primulas are all planted on the fallen tree and the Yurt area is now paved...

And the Spring is beginning to flower - I love this time of year when it all starts flowering...

And Susie was out in the garden today as well 

another day 
Sadly broke the steering mechanism on the Wolf Garten mower today - that will be another repair job !

Cheers !

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