Wednesday 3 June 2020

3rd June 2020 - Riots, Refuse and Refreshing Rain

Thought for the day:"When you drink beer – the beer gets drunk too"

Office of National Statistics

Well yesterday I posted a photoshop of Trump outside a Church in the White House, and mentioned that the Bishop was very unhappy with the Church being used as a Propaganda Backdrop and the Bible being used as a stage prop  (my words) 

Today I saw this as well ..

Things are not improving and there appears to be little being done to try and draw to a conclusion. There appears to be no negotiation or movement by the Trump authority, while at all other levels people seem to be looking for mediation.
Still arrest and charge of only one of the four officers who were sacked over the death of George Floyd. Further signs of violence and actions interpreted as Racist are filling the media.

There are few bits of levity - but I saw this one which tickled me slightly...

I am however fascinated by the widespread use of bicycles in the cities of America by the police. I can see the logic, but it still comes as a surprise - though it is obviously harder to set a bicycle on fire if you have to leave it behind you...

But yesterday, the number of people who "went dark" with their profile pictures on Facebook, (Posting a Black image as their Profile Picture) was quite substantial...  As was the posting of Blank Black images on Instagram..

Back to normal again today - but it was a show of solidarity for a day...

All the stories are based upon rioting and demonstrations, which conveniently forgets the fact that we are creeping right up to the 40,000 dead number here in the UK, and still seem to haven no idea where we are meant to be going.  Burry Port Harbour and Beach yesterday was not a good example of social distancing...

It is clear that you are never going to be able to keep the teens apart, let alone other groups.
I hear tales from primary school teachers saying that it is proving impossible to keep the children socially distanced - and how could you expect it at 4 years old?  
Watching young teens diving off the bridge into the Harbour, and jumping off the walls it is clear that safety is not at the front of anyone's mind... 

But had a nice walk in the sun...

Pictures of the rubbish on the beaches of DumbleDor (Durdle Dor) remind us of the numbers that squashed together there at the weekend and also how little they really care for the country. And a big question... where did the all go to the toilet??

and to sum it up ...

And so we are back to the Shut-Down Serenades again. Today we get to number 41... A minor variation on "The Littlest Hobo" otherwise known as "Maybe Tomorrow"

"Nearly there, we paid our fair with this Bardic Song"

Have to get back into the studio today - I am out of songs again ... 

So, our Heat wave is dissipating - and we have some cooler weather today and some light rain which is quite refreshing.

Cheers !!

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