Thursday, 23 January 2014

23rd January 2014 - Home Alone Diaries - Day 2

An early start to the day. Was not really intending it, and as I stirred at half past eight my thoughts were that I could lie therefore another hour or so quite happily. Were it not for the dogs. They needed to go out. So, I thought, sneak back on for a n hour or so, then remembered I had agreed to do a Tesco run.

There is no hardship in this. Just might have been a little better not watching the late film. But by then I was awake and a cup of tea made the day look bright. Two eggs from the girls and the sun shining. Not a bad start...

Except, my mother's phone seem to have gone on the blink again. Emails came through so there is a link - but no dialing tone it seems. We had only just got through that problem. A visit to the house and it was clear that the problem was indeed on the line. Of course, without a telephone you hit the problem of having no way of reporting the problem.In the old days then any clal to BT would sort the phone - now you have to find someone else with Sky Talk - or whichever system you may subscribe to - to get hold of the fault reporting facility. In my case - it was easiest to come home and phone from here to report the problem. Which led to the line test that says Openreach will have to go and sort it !!  5-7 days ..  So here we go again. Asked for the priority that should follow an elderly single resident, and assured that 72 hours would be the result.  we will see....

But off to Tesco it is!! Now if you are heading for Tesco I can recommend  going at late morning on a thursday. (may be that time every day I will have to test)  But on this occasion it was definitely the time when all the shelves were being searched for dates and transferring to the "reduced" section.We managed to find the things my mother wanted fairly easily and listed the numbers of the aisles for future reference, but my shopping spree was int he reduced section. I did occasionally check to make sure that there was not a better deal in the normal costings. I have seen them do that before!

But, I found some nice pizza, pork pies, cheeses - including a rather nice cheddar in Whisky that I could not even find on the shelves, a loaf of bread, pate and some nice blue cheese. A pity that the bottle of Port was not on that shelf but that and the frozen chips made up the shopping list. Well not really! I had not really meant to buy anything but I suppose I was caught by the Supermarket Marketing !!  Oh the liters of tonic water with lime/ lemon were also at 50p which was cheaper than I expected.

So after the shopping and return to Burry Port, a trip to the Hospital and a very alert Eileen, which was a fine bonus.

A bit of news from the Estate Agents. The people who viewed the house seem to be quite positive. The Garden was larger than they expected and I think that they found more space in the rooms than expected. They have to think about selling their own place of course and I think that this was the first place that they looked at - so it is very early days - but it would be nice to think that a family might take  on the place. There are many happy memories here.

Another day with a few Tweets...  Nicest was from one of my dear friends from Curious Pastimes. Sarah is an author with many successful publications, in one of which (the Gildar Rift) I was surprised to find that Vollsanger appeared within the pages - not as the happy go lucky bard, but still in name! And I devised the name, so it has no other origin..

Vollsanger rocks. In all universes.

In the style of the American Election TV/Film Campaigns  " I approve of this "

So - after the Gin with a drop of Tonic with lime ( and a glass of Chateau 41) - I do rather feel that it may be time to open the bottle of port - and sample some cheap cheddar in Whisky...

Life Home Alone could not be better ....   

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