Wednesday 20 July 2022

20th July 2022 - A little cooler - cut the lawns

Thought for the day : "Is a caveman who goes on long, wandering walks a Meanderthal?"

Early rousing this morning to hear that the Fire Brigade had been called again for the forest ground- went up and checked the area - and needed damping down again.
Luckily the weather was a lot cooler today so no blazing heat to set it off again.
Checked the cameras and they were both working - though no sign of anyone having been there other than Charlie and myself.

New toy arrived - cordless strimmer for my Bosch batteries - and very light and easy to use...
did most of the edges on one battery charge. Sat on the John Deere and did the lawns so they are looking okay for the weekend. Ran out of petrol and had to go to get some more. Will do some strimming with the mulcher tomorrow as long as it is cool again.

Gave the dogs a walk around the field in the early evening - seemed a better idea while it was cool.

Cleared some brambles and some couch grass. Susie hit the comfrey again and the paths and may have over done it - but we are getting back to normalcy - whatever that is.

Got some mixed corn and layer's pellets. £22.80!!!   Corn was £6.80 in February - now double - same for the pellets!  Gonna be expensive eggs form now on 

Bought some new egg layer boxes to stop the eggs getting broken - Girls do not like them - searched everywhere today and cannot find where they have laid !! Hopefully they will get used to the idea.

Big ASDA shop tonight to get goods for opening on Friday. Collected Beer today and laid it in place.
Think I am getting weak in my old age - couldn't lift onto the stillage. Was hoping Jimmy would be with us tomorrow but not coming until Friday now. So will try again tomorrow.

In other news :

Seems Legit..

And that is about it for Lake Woebegone for this week where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.

Cheers !

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