Wednesday 21 October 2020

21st October 2020 - Flu, Peacocks, And Djinn

Thought for the day :"I have been drinking loads of German beer and I now have a massive Hanover!"

Flu jabs today - Newcastle Emlyn Rugby Club - and what a lovely place that is. And the set up was great - no delays - straight in and out in a couple of minutes. Luckily remembered that I have metal in my left arm and took the shot in my right shoulder - and watching how far the needle goes in - I was glad I went for that - though to be honest I did not feel the shot at all..

Having a bit of a problem in trying to get the car into the drive - too little width between the ballast of sand and the trailer. Had a bit of problems but managed to get the trailer moved 18 inches in - hoping that I can still get the car into place - and used a trowel to empty the sand in one corner of the bag - so there may be enough to squeeze through.

Checked the depth of water in the main water tank in the garden and found it almost empty. Examined the gutters and found that they were all completely blocked. Up on the ladder and re-fixed a section of gutter and cleared the leaves and debris. Have another half to do tomorrow - but I think that the water can flow again.  

Susie cleared the duck house and tried letting the baby chicks out - but Cedric decided to have a go at them as did one of the other girlies - Bluebell was very defensive. Widened the brood area - but they are too small to let out so far.

Finished the sign for the Peacocks....

Welsh and English - Susie saw someone walking past stop and wave while she was clearing the pens..

Shrine in situ..
In other news...
A sad memory for today - Aberfan

However this popped up on my feed today - another great Green One link 

And US politics is still trundling on .. 
This seemed very apt.

A lovely evening with a visit from friends to celebrate a Birthday with suitable social distancing - one last time before the shut-downs..  A good evening for Djinn 'n Tonix..

Cheers !


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