Monday 12 October 2020

12th October 2020 - Spitting Image segments

Thought for the day :"Roman poisons were rubbish – Poison IV just made you itchy "

Well, a rainy day today - one of those Mizzy Rain days where the rain doesn't really look much but it permeates everything. Not cold - but damp and mizzy. Still, decided that the Trailer really had to be emptied so finished the job today and spent some time with the chain saw chopping logs for storage. Looks as though we will have to buy in wood as we cannot tell which is new wood and which is dried and usable.

Was today years old when I realised that after you have finished cooking with the oven - if you leave the door open then you get the benefit of the heat from the oven as it cools down. Never thought of it before! There you go - learn something every day ...

And so today we find out that no-one in America is brave enough t broadcast Spitting Image though it has been specifically designed for the american market as well as the British market. General opinion is that NBC who were to take the show fears a back-lash from Trump - which to be honest would be most likely. He never struck me as someone with a sense of humour, or reality. 

Not sure how many of these are broadcasting in the US or are blocked...

So we have a few trails.. Trump and the Virus

And Boris gets ready to address the country..

Trump gets bored ..
Gove and Patel
Boris handles the Students

Thunberg and Hamilton 

we shall see whether it can be seen over the pond..

In other American Links - from the History of wales today ...

The legend of Madog discovering America over three hundred years before Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on October 12th 1492.
According to the story, Madog was a Prince of Gwynedd, who in 1170 sailed westward across the Atlantic and landed on the American shore. He returned to Gwynedd to recruit settlers and left, never to be seen again. The settlers supposedly travelled up the great rivers before settling down in the Midwest and intermarrying with a Native American tribe.
References to Madog discovery of America;
* A site on Rose Island, Kentucky, is claimed as once being home to a colony of Welsh-speaking Indians.
* The references to a seafaring Madog were used during the Elizabethan era to bolster British claims in America. The earliest surviving account to make the claim that Madog had come to America appears in Humphrey Llwyd's unpublished 1559 Cronica Walliae. John Dee then used this manuscript when he submitted a treatise the "Title Royal" to Queen Elizabeth in 1580
* During the first English navigation of the James River in 1607, Welshman Peter Wynne, wrote that some of the pronunciation of the Monacan language resembled "Welch".
* Another encounter with a Welsh-speaking Indian was claimed by the Reverend Morgan Jones, who said that he had been captured in 1669 by a tribe of Tuscarora called the Deog, whose chief spared his life when he heard Jones speak Welsh, a language he understood.
* Francis Lewis, a signer of the American Declaration of Independence is said to have had a conversation with an Indian chief who spoke Welsh,
* Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States believed the "Madoc story" to be true.
* Llewellyn Harris, the missionary who visited the Zuni tribe in 1878, noted that they had many Welsh words in their language.

Nearer to home - the North is put onto the new 3 tier system, and Nightingale Hospitals are put on notice that they should be ready for a surge in patients. Things are not looking good. ASDA delivering our first home delivery tomorrow - Tesco still booked until November the 1st - seems you have to book on every day to get a slot. Will try that as well tomorrow.

So - a quiet evening in ..
Cheers !



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