Friday 19 September 2014

19th September 2014 - Day 2 of Crete - It rained but I missed it!! Scotland voted - but I missed it

Thought for the day; "Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population."

This morning, I wake up to Scotland still being part of the United Kingdom. David Cameron's opportunity to tear the Labour Party apart by letting Scotland have its own way and losing all those Scottish MP's was squandered away by double dealing and wild last minute promises. I have no real opinions on whether it should be independent or not - I fail to get interested in politics these days, but it still remains an important issue that for the first time in years more than 50% of the population got off their backsides to use their democratic right to vote - in fact over 90% in many places...

Does this make me feel better? Across the world there are people struggling to get a vote.  Years of agitation, suffragettage, violence and angst as the vote has been extended piece by piece....   And yesterday the vote was extended to 16 year olds who for the main part seem to have taken an active interest in the issues....  Was this a good thing?

Actually I find myself shrinking further into my own little area of isolation on these matters. I watched a lot of the BBC World News Service last night - as it is the only English Speaking news channel I could find on the television. I watched as Huw Edwards, a consummate professional as a presenter these days, flicked from one end of the country to the next, shuffled the carefully chosen set of Studio Vox Pox, alternating in age and views like a prestidigitator. Off the Scotland for a look at some people counting. Some inane comments from another reporter who had nothing to say, and a jump to an un-recognisable politician with too much to say - but no sense other than sound-bites...
It was still compelling, as I was determined to see the first result in - it would be likely to be insignificant as it would be one of the smallest - but it became clear that the turnout was immense..

As the first result came in from some small hamlet called Clackmannanshire....   thrust into fame I think for this reason only, certainly it was not a place that dropped off my tongue in the past, and I would need Susie to Google earth it to find where it was above the border.... and a narrow "No" vote ensued....  Return to politicilans and punsters who alternatively declared and decried whether this was representative in any way or would "show a trend"....

So I watched the first results, being in Crete the hour was two hours later than in the UK, but a glass of Cretan Wine and a sip of Graymore  passed the time, while my laptop decided that it would shut down on its own - maybe in protest of the attention being given to the most exciting thing I have seen since I last watched grass grow.... That gave a little light relief as an hour was spent doing Windows System Recovery and rebuilds and Restores...

And would all be restored North of the border??  Would this be seen as a short error in the software? Would a quick reboot of the country bring it all back to normal - slow and annoying??  It seems it would...

But did this please me ?? Actually, the news this morning that the NO vote came in with a fairly close margin, does not really restore my faith in the elective system in this country. Clackmannanshire polled 46% to 54%. The final result was 45% to 55%. Turnout   84.5% topping 90% in pro-Union areas but dipping to the mid-70s in key Yes working-class areas...  Yes I am playing the social class cards and think it is important...   But did it please me ???

3.6 million people came out and voted .....  Democracy in action we can say ....  But the bottom line is that 1,670,000 people came out and said that they did not want to be run from Westminster. That is a very large number of people who do not like the way they are governed at the moment. I agree that 2 million said they wanted to stay as they were - or at least grab some new changes if they were on offer but part of me would really like to think with an anarchy hat on...  1.6 million people are disappointed today.

I see a whimsical spoof press release asking whether the US should now send troops into Scotland, after all they are being bullied by a larger neighbouring country which is stopping them secede...

I see that it has all been turned into "Devolution for England".  The biggest issue for the United Kingdom in years, which mobilised politicians and stars to make their own comments to "sway" the population of Scotland - millions of Tweets and "Faecesbook" comments, and just few hours after the event - Scotland is forgotten as Westminster gets back to the things that they are best interested in - themselves!. It is all about what the Tory Backbenchers want for England....

So I am not really please by the results. Or rather the process.  I am equally frustrated by those who had their votes ignored and those who will find that their "Better Together" will leave them on the outside looking in on the Westminster Club bickering over their power struggles...

It is times like this that I recall my interest in Politics and History at University concentrated on the structures and record of power, and never spilled into any form of political consciousness...  It is times like this that I decide that I am still happier a thousand years in the past and two steps to the left....

And so, we are about to walk into Agios Nikolais for an Ice Cream for breakfast... Mike is out looking for wood for the Murial - so we can put that up later ( by we I of course mean Susie) .

And I note a lovely comment from a friend, Duke Henry Plantaganet (Works at Total World Domination - Next week - indoors if the weather is bad) - a Medieval Costume Trader who always has a very dry sense of humour....

NO one else is reading this. Just YOU. Sometimes when I get bored I go out into the garden, dig up some of the SKELETONS and remind myself why I BURIED them there.
In other news, a lot of my list seem to have a vegetarian Cosplay fetish, that One was unaware of, pretending they are planted carrots. Personally, I suspect this is another of those status tag games, the Facebook version of childhood playground games of Tag, or somesuch. Proof, if it were needed, that, whilst growing old is unfortunately obligatory - "growing up" ¹ is entirely optional.

[ ¹ Translator's notes: "growing up" - "maturing into a responsible adult", a state of mind. A serious psychological condition, which, thankfully, does not affect any of my friend list. ]

Yes...  While Scotland recovers from its vote - the rest of FaecesBook World are watching pictures of kittens and posting that they want to be buried in the garden as a carrot. I have no idea what the meme is - just refuse to comment or Like as I would not post such inane comments ...  I will stick to my "Thought for the day"

Off for an Ice Cream - I may remember to tip today...


Oh - it apparently rained this morning - but I was up too late waiting for the first result to come in so I slept through it ...  Sums up the referendum for me!

Place of the day

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