Saturday 9 April 2022

9th April 2022 - Road Trip and a suit and tie !!

Thought for the day :"A man who was charged with impersonating a haystack has been bailed!!"

An interesting day - for the first time in 27 months I attended an executive meeting for a Masonic Order - and found myself up at 6.30am dressed in a light suit with proper shoes rather than wellies and with a tie!!

Royal Order of Scotland - of which I am the current Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and the Provincial Grand Master has suddenly and unexpectedly retired... So it was necessary to hold a meeting to see the way forward and decide on a recommendation for a successor.  
I will admit that two years ago I would have jumped at the chance of having my name put forward but today, after the pandemic I would be more than happy to continue in my role as Deputy - with only two meetings each year, or step down and attend as I wish - I have not done any ritual in a long time and to be honest the Royal Order of Scotland has the most intense ritual f any Masonic Order in which I have experience.  Always a challenge and a great sense of achievement - but it is a long time since I have done any learning.

So I was delighted to endorse another candidate and my hope is that things will go smoothly in the transition. 

But of course it meant a 2 hour drive down to Penarth - an hour and a half meeting and 2 hour journey back - with stop offs to Lidl, B & M and Charlie's stores - as they are all a long way away form us in Wild West Wales.

But the Landie behaved herself and was quite fun to drive - bearing in mind that this is the furthest I have driven in those two years !

But a successful day - and a nice welcome from the dogs when I returned. It seems that Toby had been prowling the bottom of the garden wondering where I was...  

But back to the garden again tomorrow - hopefully no more hail and ice tonight. The Magnolia is just blooming and it would be a shame to lose all the flowers again this year ...

But that is about it for one day ...

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