Monday 11 April 2022

11th April 2022 - Brambling and German Player Update

Thought for the day :"I watched a documentary about people who feel the need to deny ownership of hot drinks... I have to say, it wasn't my cup of tea"

Day started rather wet and cold and though I put my boots on it threatened to rain - so I decided to do some work where I would be a little dry - not much but a little 

So Susie wanted a new compost bin so she could get at the Goat poo that has been composting since before we got here - and needed somewhere to move the composts that we have later put on top - so I took some pallets and made a nice compost bin - apparently it is very nice but in the wrong place and I will need to move it tomorrow !  

So while I was there I decided to put some proper roost poles up for Cyril in the second coop and to adjust the netting around the pens - while I was there !

When the weather started improving I went to the lower quarter and finished the pathway to the Flag Pool (see what I did there?) - and did some more brambling. It is strange - as we get nearer to the end of the job it seems further away and harder - but we will get there. The area is very wet so I started a drainage ditch along the pathway yesterday and today it had filled with water so it seems that it will be a thing that will work .  So will continue with the ditch - though like the chippings - it will be a little each day - it is very heavy soil / clay / mud.

I know it dos not look like much progress - but there is a day's work in that clearance and it will look great when it is finished - or I am finished !

In other news - the details of the Mythodea Germany artist conditions came out today and it looks as though they have cut back on all the options for entertainment at the next event. In fairness I was not convinced that I was going to go as it was August and it all seems a little near for me and I am not confident on doing events yet - but all the free options for playing seem to have been taken and the 50 euro NSC (monster crew) option seems to require a number of commitments which my language limitations may not allow me to fulfill even if I wanted..
So it maybe that I will be skipping the event this year as we find out how it rebuilds - and the worst scenario would be that I go for a basic ticket sometime in the future and just play as I want ...  we shall see. 

And so - we will continue as we have been doing ...   

Cheers !

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