Wednesday 23 October 2019

23rd October 2019 - Meetings and Mythodea Concert

Thought for the day :"What do we want? Procrastination – When do we want it? No rush"

Sounds a bit like Brexit to me!!

A day of committee meetings and rehearsals. Scarlet Cord Provincial arrangements for next year and installation details for next week in the Mark.

Have done a little video editing from last Mythodea and the pre event party  - here are Trancas' Trebanten.. which may mean something like Trancas' satellites...


Meanwhile - in History - The War of Jenkin's Ear ...

On 23rd October 1739, the War of Jenkins' Ear Began. It was a conflict between Great Britain and Spain that lasted from 1739 to 1748.
Robert Jenkins, from Llanelli, was captain of a British merchant ship, returning home from the West Indies when his ship was boarded by the Spanish on suspicion of smuggling. The Spanish commander bound Jenkins to the mast and cut off one of his ears. He then told him to tell his King, that he would get the same.
On his return, Jenkins exhibited his severed ear in Parliament and this was the spark that ignited a simmering resentment towards the Spanish, who had reneged on an agreement for Britain to sell slaves in Spanish America. After 1742, this war became part of the much larger, War of the Austrian Succession, in which most of the states in Europe became involved. In particular, France and Britain, who were fighting each other for control of the American and Asian Colonies.

Cheers !

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