Wednesday 5 June 2024

5th June 2024 - Road Trip with Christof

Thought for the day :"The Membership fee for the national reincarnation society is £500 a year, but what the hell, you only live once."

Dry - today 

So, we have Christof Hanke here for a couple of days and today was a chance to do a road trip of our own.

Quick trip to Newcastle Emlyn to visit the castle and read about the last Dragon in Wales...

And I learned the joys of Geo Caching - finding hidden caches of secret hiding places and a chance to open them and put your name inside and hide them again 
There is a website and an app but I am having trouble trying to get loaded. 
Made the mistake of signing up on the website using Facebook - and the app does not recognise Facebook login  - so faced with the problem that I do not know the password, cannot use my email because that is already registered, cannot delete the account without the password, cannot change the password without the existing password, and so going around in circles - maybe a job for tomorrow 
But I have found two so far .. This is  Newcastle Emlyn

Sitting in the Dragon Egg Chair

And off to Cenarth Falls for the walk - may do it the other way around next time - less steps and hills!

And then on to Cilgerin Castle 

Is that Bruder Johannes in the distance 

And so - off to find another Geo Cache

This one in Magic Mushrooms

And so to Tresaith Beach with the waterfall for a quick pint in the Ship. We only stopped because there was a parking space in the Ship car park which is very unlikely, and I did not want to miss it, and it would be rude to use a space and not take a drink, and then we took a walk to see the waterfall to get rid of the additional calories ...  

And back for a Pork Roast Dinner with Susie 

What more can I say ?

Oh - in other news - Susie won £100 on the Premium Bonds and I won £50  - not a bad return 


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