Monday 10 June 2024

10th June 2024 - Growing and Mowing

Thought for the day :"There are 140 calories in a can of coke - Never eat the can and save weight - follow me for more diet tips"

Dry today 

After a very busy weekend, got up this morning with some trepidation after losing all the Chickens and Ducklings yesterday. Our hope that catching the mink would end our immediate problems, was not guaranteed, so until we let them all out safely this morning I was unsure of our success.

But luckily, all came out safely, so it was time to get on with other works.


Before in the Romany Caravan

and after...

Susie has done sterling work clearing the patio and weeding everywhere.
We thought for a while that the baby birds had not survived but they turned up later in the day.

Operation Rescue the strawberries was conducted, taking the strawberry grow bags to the greenhouse before they were all eaten.

Garden is looking good. 

Popped out to Pet and Horses for bird food - can't put up with Cheap Cheap's nagging, and the new baby birds.  

So they are happy, even it the fat balls and suet cost £37

Cheers !


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