Sunday 2 June 2024

2nd June 2024 - Garden Work

Thought for the day :"I hate constipation, you just sit there motionless and all you pass is time "

Dry today and sunny (that is for the catchup) 
And most of the day spent outside doing gardening - in my case - mainly strimming. Cat weeded two of the veg beds and I used the small rotovator on them ready for planting Cale and something ese tomorrow.

Susie cleared the top spring area while I cleared the tree stump, and also tidied up the lawns and waterfall.

Managed to clear a bit around the old fallen tree and Susie is planting some flowers in the flower box there.    Cleared mostly behind the Yurt before running out of charge. Tomorrow is another day 

Unexpected visitor this evening with Phil the Chef (Philip Stephen Thomas) from the Masonic Hall in Llanelli and Adelle,  our caterers from Nancy's Wedding 22 years ago - who popped in unexpectedly. So we gave them a tour of the gardens which they seemed to enjoy.

Cat left after staying for a couple of days after a Sunday roast chicken with all the trimmings - I am in Food Coma I think.



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