Monday 17 June 2024

17th June 2024 - Gutters and Gardens

Thought for the day:"It's a long shot but does anyone know what a Trebuchet is?"

Dry and Sunny 

Busy Day 
Started with clearing the gutters on the lower end of the extension - full of gunk and having to reset the gauze.

Then down to the lower quarter to set up an extension on the lighting in that sector. Decided to take the lighting around the yurt and back down to the Giraffes so used an additional two sets of lights.

Found that the zip wire had been digging into the bark of the tree and had started damaging so had to use a grinder to cut the wires

Meanwhile Susie has been weeding the rose beds

But on the Patio the clematis are wonderful with really vibrant colours 

and the rest of the garden is also great 

Tomorrow - we show the unveiling of Bonnie ....

Cheers !

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