Thursday 20 June 2024

20th June 2024 - Covid !!

Thought for the day :"The only thing I can take seriously in the newspapers these days is fish and chips, and even that I take with a pinch of salt"

Dry and Sunny 

So we start the day with Susie deciding to test herself against her 'Flu diagnosis and indeed she is positive with the Corona virus - which means that Chrissie and Paul are also likely to be carriers - and Chrissie turns out positive. We do not bother with Paul as we know he has bee feeling bad but is getting much better.
Strangely, I prove negative - either I have had it in minor way or am waiting to get it - no idea , feeling fairly reasonable with nothing greater than normal fatigue - that is getting out of the Chair stress!

But we get through the day.
And Sarah turns up in the afternoon as promised to go up the ladder and clear the gutters in the main house - it only takes half an hour but it was good not to have to get up the ladder even though it is not that high. She deserved her "Cold Drink" afterwards ( G & T with Ice) ..

Did the Romany caravan and some strimming to keep it clear - 

Paid Strimmer came later so I think it is presentable

Walked around the grounds with Chrissie and Paul in the dusk to see the Homestead with the new lights
was a pleasure and I am now very happy that this has been a good investment .

Cheers !


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