Tuesday 11 June 2024

11th June 2024 - Lower Quarter

Thought for the day :"Ygolohcysp.. Now that's what I call reverse psychology."

drop of rain about lunchtime but mainly dry 

Walked the dogs before breakfast - seemed a good idea at the time to get out and do it early (well 11am) but the grumbly stomach on return said that it was very hungry - c'est la vie!

But active day in the garden. Susie culled the final remaining chicken after the mink attacks and it is in the freezer to eat on Sunday when Chrissie and Paul get here.
I wasn't allowed to clear the spring with the dinosaurs as I can not properly identify Heeblies, or wheeblies, or something like that - but they are there so she cleared that area as I started on the strimmer in the  lower quarter. Managed the Yurt and the main path and got the mower around the lower quarter proper though it was very wet, we did not have any sinkings.

The before pictures

and the after

and the rest of the lower quarter

Mended the strimmer twice - Susie working wonders with a very small crochet hook to get the wrapped plastic and grass out of the spindle.

Adulted with the Landie - think I found the loose wire for the ignition. Sarah popped around to help but it worked so fingers crossed.

another good day - but tired ..



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