Saturday 22 June 2024

22nd June 2024 - Dinner at Narberth - The Angel

Thought for the day :"I was working on the British Sheep Census but fell asleep halfway through"

Mainly Dry today 

Started the day with a decision to clear the pallets in the drive, the ones brought to hold the sand, ballast and stones for the Buttress.
So some of the smaller ones will, I think act as a decent floor for the wood pile shed in the Lower Quarter, but the larger ones needed to be broken to give me sections of wood to act as braces for the pallets in the shed itself.  And that meant a couple of hours with the pallet breaker and hammer and pliers to clear all the nails.



A stroll down the lane shows that the dog roses are now beginning to bloom on the hedges..

But a trip to Narberth to see Nancy and the Family with Chrissie and Paul.
And so a gift for Torren - and the embargo on the photos can be lifted.
Susie bought this LEGO ship that Torren had been look at for a long time, but it was bought from a Hospice Shop on the South Coast and as they had not checked it they had to sell it as "incomplete" as they had not counted all the pieces. 
So Susie decided that the only way to see if it was all there was to build it, and as she had Covid and was feeling rubbish, it was the best Therapy ...

And so we put it together ( "we" was me sorting pieces into colours and shapes and she building it) 

Quite impressive really 
We found 5 pieces missing - I red link piece 
and four lights 

Apparently this is not a problem as those parts are already in his collection ...

After this - apparently LEGO sell the boxes with parts bagged in sections, so it was necessary to take the boat apart using the instruction booklet and reverse engineer and separating into 15 bags - plus one for the characters ..  Job Done

Susie may be a convert - but these things are not cheap !!

So down to Narberth and to the excellent restaurant / pub the Angel, where Erin Works, and a great idea by Erin that we all dine together and so 9 of us sat down and enjoyed some really nice food.

Of course - there were down sides!!
Leaving at 3pm meant that the ducks and Chickens had to go to bed early and Brownie and Blackie were not going to cooperate!!  Came back this evening and no sign of them so fingers crossed that they have found a safe roost for the night.

Dogs were not too impressed with  having to wait for dinner until 9.30pm 

But all is secure now - just chase the chickens down tomorrow 

and so ... 

Cheers !

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