Monday 7 July 2014

7th July 2014 - Normality and New Families

Thought for the day : "I used to work in  a sweat shop - it was sew sew!!""

Life is full of mysteries. Why is “abbreviation” such a long word? Do dogs get sore throats? How long do fish wait to swim after eating? Why is bra singular but panties plural? Which genius decided that the word “lisp” should have an “S” in it?    These are just some of the thoughts that can run through my mind. It is an interesting place!! - but not everyone would want to live there......

Handy Kitchen Item - Knife Storage..
But yesterday my extended family grew a little as out of the blue a message left on a facebook page a while ago was answered. The message was caused by an old entry upon the Genes Re-united site. That was the one that formed as a spin off form Friends Re-united, the one website that allegedly caused more breakdowns of marriage than any other up to that time, as people looked up their childhood sweethearts and attempted to relive their lost youth, or catch up on nookie that they missed out the first time around....
Friends re-united was free as I recall, unless you wanted to email someone, and then you had to pay £5, and then they made it completely free to increase numbers. Then they introduced Genes Re-united as people got more interested in ancestry and then Facebook came along and everyone forgot all about it....

But on Genes Re-united, there was an old entry saying "I am trying to track down Eric Sewell - Brother of Tom Sewell from Glasgow". Well as that was my father and uncle both I and, unbeknown to me, Susie responded  leaving a message on that system. (you had to pay to send an actual email and it was a very old entry)
Tom Sewell
In addition, Susie found a likely candidate on Facebook - Sharon, and left a message - but it was clear that the Facebook pages were rarely used....

Until Yesterday. When a message came to her from Sharon via Facebook  - and now I have two cousins, Sharon (in Scotland) and Dave (in New Zealand) and a number of additional additions in the form of their siblings...

But it is always strange how  each of us see out lives. Having looked at my Facebook and that of Susie and my Mother.  Having seen some of the antics in the albums and posted.. Having considered the Youtube links and the strange Viking Fellow with the long hair and the Chorded Zither....
The comment I received from New Zealand was "It's great to see the "normal" side of the family (ours was a bit too eventful and not in a good way!!)" 
A "normal" Family  - Yeh !!
So - it seems we are the "normal" ones!!  Well I can live with that. Its enough to drive you to drink !!
So welcome to our new family members...


Picture of the day  - Adverts of days gone by...

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