Tuesday, 6 November 2012

6th November 2012 - Weekly blog now it seems

Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and there is an old saying that says - "Lead me not into Temptation ... Who am I kidding !! I know a short cut !!"
So I thought I had better add a short note to the daily grind...

  • Van still in the Van Hospital while they try to work out whether they need to change the fuel pump or not...   seems to be only a pipe that is leaking - and the that is the better solution as far as I am concerned.
  • Living Room - yes we can see the floor and some of the walls. Down to checking the canvass now and packing away
  • Caerphilly Christmas Fayre -  decided that we should do the mulled wine and organisers would prefer us outside so we are going to borrow Roger Morgan (Barber Surgeon and Father Christmas) tent and add some ivy for Christmas - but just set up the boiler and sell the mulled wine. Still an option for a buyer to ell the wines and meads - but not heard anything in the last week - so will go for the license just for ourselves.
  • Roof leaking at the back of the house - seems a coping tile is broken - how did that happen ??? up on the top of the roof like that ?  Very heavy Sea Gull ??  Also the gutters are blocked again and water pouring into the bathroom. Hoping to get it done without expensive scaffolding - but will see what our tame painters/roofers can do....
  • Accounts all in the books form the events - just need to start the tax returns
  • Domestic Accounts up to date and a meeting with the Bank Manager - but she won't lend me a quarter of a million for a smallholding - so will have to go back to the drawing board and get on with selling the business.
  • Started looking at some old songs - and putting together a "Vollsanger Love Songs" collection. 
  • had a while trying out various sound amplifications with the guitar and Stick's n Picks Ron Savory to help  - so will start playing with some new ideas.
  • 4pm and it is getting dark already ...
  • Maybe time for a nap ...

Well -- Guy Fawkes s over so the dogs can stop quivering now ....

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