Friday, 23 November 2012

23rd November 2012 - A Doctor a day...

So on this day in 1963, Dr Who first appeared on BBC 1 - a step forward in TV history that would change generations. There have been many Doctors and, like James Bond, everyone seems to have their favourite and though I am an old traditionalist and loved the original story line of a Grandfather trying to get his granddaughter a decent education in a local Earth School who kidnaps two of the teachers.
I can think of a number of teachers today who would gladly up sticks and jump into a floating Police Box and it may be that the original concept was inspired by the desire to escape the classroom.
Indeed - it has inspired the escapist fantasies of generations since that time.

Though I have watched most Doctors from the original back in 1963, the nearest we have come to the TARDIS is Caerphilly Castle a couple of years ago when we took the Crimson Moon Mead Emporium to the Inner Bailey and looked up at the main tower to see a Blue Box shining in the most unlikely position!!.
It may have been a publicity stunt - but staying in the old Castle overnight - with the TARDIS as a Beacon shining down upon us was and interesting experience.

The TARDIS on the main tower at Caerphilly Castle and the view up through the arch at the Crimson Moon Mead Emporium and the North Tower.

So back to the present and we spent a night in the UK being battered by seriously strong winds. As one correspondent upon the Book of Faces commented - "We have been hit by Hurricane Dai!!" 
But this morning the sun is trying to break through and thought I would not call it warm - we are not subjected to the wind whistling through the dog flap - and stealing all the heat out of the house.

A breakfast of home made bread, with home made cream cheese and home made apricot jam - may not be the most healthy in the "less fattening" style but I can be assured of no additives, and it certainly tastes better. A cup of coffee may not be the most healthy either, and is fairness it is not my normal drink - tea being the preference for most days, however - it seemed to be right to go with the breakfast.

So plans for the day?

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