Tuesday 20 July 2021

20th July 2021 - Scary Creatures, White Rocks and Peacock Feathers

Thought for the day :"The best thing about the internet is that you can claim credit for things you had no part in. It’s one of the reasons I invented it."

And the heat wave continues.

But neighbour had been looking after the Box Trailer and we had to move this morning - but also wanted to get rid of some white quartz rocks - which we were wanting for the ponds. So despite the heat it was time to fill the trailer with rocks and when it looked as though it was getting too heavy - I borrowed his trailer as well to bring the remainder down.  It seems that one of the theories for the name of the locality Brithdir refers to the white fields - or the number of quartz rocks in the fields - will have to check that theory...

According to immediate research Brith means Course and Dir means Land and due to mutation it becomes Brithdir rather than Brithtir,. Further search shows that Brith can mean Speckled as well as course and that sound like speckled fields or speckled land which would refer to the shiny quartz.

And for the first time I managed to reverse the box trailer into the drive so that it can be unloaded easily (there is still a piano and harmonium in there) and now a lot of rocks. 69 point turn later and it is in place! and still allows cars to park.

And that seemed enough for one day - though I spent a few hours in the Tavern and cleared another corner - we will get there. Much of the clearance was the boxes of Wade which will remain in storage in the overhang as we will get around to that later in the time here.

Strange creatures were seen - wood wasps apparently 

Found by the tavern - a species of Saw fly .. (wildlife trust)

The giant horntail is a massive sawfly that is also known as the 'giant woodwasp' or 'greater horntail wasp'. A relative of the wasps, the female is black and yellow and has a long, stinger-like tail that is actually her ovipositor, which she uses to lay her eggs into wood, particularly pine. The larvae live in the wood of pine trees, where they spend up to five years developing. Found near pine woods, or places where pine timbers are used.

The giant horntail is a black-and-yellow-banded insect that looks like a large wasp, so may be confused with the hornet or hornet robberfly. The female has a long ovipositor at the end of her body, which looks like a stinger.

Despite its fearsome appearance, the giant horntail is harmless. However, the length of time the larvae spend in wood does result in the adults sometimes emerging from harvested timber used for building or even furniture.

Managed to maneuver the trailer tent into place with the help of Jimmy and Pip - I told them it was just a turning issue - we ended up digging three foot of soil and stones out int he blazing heat but we got there!! but I now have a place for two double beds as an overspill. We are also thinking of getting a small touring caravan but that is on hold at the moment, subject to going to "sitting in a field"  in Llanthony when we would need something.
Pictures tomorrow I think..

A slow day - but we managed to get a few things done in the heat which is how we wish to work at the moment. Seems to be the way it is done on the continent! Felt like a Mythodea day again for me ...

 In other news - Fabio has succumbed either to the end of the mating season or to the extreme heat and has decided to lose all his fine plumage 

I know some people who are wanting feathers and they have a sale value as well ..

and so - a glass of Ffynnon Blanc to end the day 
Adventures tomorrow - I am going to investigate the local Cardigan Dump !! 
Big Adventures!

Cheers !

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