Sunday 7 April 2019

7th April 2019 - More Laptops and a bit of EU humour

Thought for the day:"I think my wife is putting glue on my re-enactment weapons – She denies it but I am sticking to my guns"

So, rebuilt laptop is failing !!!
The one built out of two old laptops, one with a hard drive and one with a screen seems not to only have a blue screen and a reboot option...   ho Hum ...

Best start on the other one that went in for repair...

Doesn't seem to be my time for lap tops at the moment.

Which was a pity over the weekend, as after having a bite to eat in Wetherspoons and heading back - it was only a quarter past 8 so I was in bed and asleep by 9pm..  Which was great - until I had woken up after 4 hours sleep and couldn't go back to sleep.. Even learning the Royal Order of Scotland ritual for half an hour did not assist. Really needed the old laptop to watch a film or read a book !!

Around 4am I was off to a normal night sleep - until my phone decided that it really did not have enough charge and started bleeping for a charger at a quarter past 7. Never mind - it was a lovely morning and a good time to move the Bothy.  But a laptop would have helped.

So - starting the laborious task of rebuilding another laptop.
But the sun is shining and the Bothy is outside waiting to be emptied and the bedding brought in to keep it dry ..
Maybe in five minutes..

And after walking the dog...

Yup - sounds like a plan...

And talking of plans - time for a daily bit of cognitive Bias...

5/ Curse of Knowledge

When better-informed people find it extremely difficult to think about problems from the perspective of lesser-informed people.

The cross we must bear.

I saw this little gem - quite old - but still funny..

A farmer named Sam was overseeing his herd in a remote hilly pasture in Hereford when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.
The driver, a young man in a Brioni® suit, Gucci® shoes, RayBan® sunglasses and YSL® tie, leaned out the window and asked the farmer, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?"

Sam looks at the man, who obviously is a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing animals and calmly answers, "Sure, why not?"
The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell® notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3® cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop® and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany.

Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot® that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL® database through an ODBC connected Excel® spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry® and, after a few minutes, receives a response.

Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet® printer, turns to the Farmer and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."

"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says Sam.

He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
Then Sam says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"
The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"

"You're a Member of the European Parliament", says Sam.

"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required." answered Sam. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of pounds worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don't know a thing about how working people make a living - or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. Now give me back my dog.


and in the news... Apparently France is ready for a no deal Brexit 
So there we go - 
Back to my book and the nine orders of Angels and the nine Muses...


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