Saturday 27 April 2019

27th April 2019 - How loud should you play Onward Christian Soldiers?

Thought for the day :"I used to play a musical instrument on cruise ships’ ‘Piano ?’ ‘No, Cunard’..."

Hurricane Hannah is blowing through the country - though we seem to have come through unscathed!
Must be Empire Weekend - oh yes - It Is !!!  I cannot believe that they are so unlucky ! But they are also very robust so IO am sure that they will enjoy a good weekend away.

For my part - I had the installation in Chepstow for Order of Atheltran last night and then Sir Thomas of Accon in Carmarthen this morning.
Let me say that I enjoy this order - though I was a founder in Port Talbot back in February 2004.

We met in the Bishop's Pantry at Margam Abbey in Margam and dressed the restaurant with the tapestries from the wedding later used in the Crimson Moon.

It was an interesting place to meet and full of history. And after the meeting we quickly brought the tables in and set the tables for the festive board.

We had a good time there - but sadly we moved and then dates were changed so I found myself in the Order but unable to attend until earlier last year when I joined a new Chapel in Carmarthen.
I am still a paid up member of both but still am unable to attend the one..

But, as Organist as well as Deputy Marshal - I have the great pleasure of playing "Onward Christian Soldiers" upon the Organ at Carmarthen. Luckily - this is in the key of F - ( for me it is easier as it is only one black note! ) But more important - there is a flaw in the Organ at Carmarthen. The pedals work well with one exception - and that is that the F pedal is stuck on!! As soon as the volume is put in - the deep bass F booms out!! It will be over - played by any other pedal - but as you move form a C to a Bb ( for example ) it will play F !!
This is very annoying in other keys - particularly if playing in G as there is no F natural in that key !!!
And a lot of Masonic Music is played in G.

But Onward Christian Soldiers is in F and therefore you can leave the F playing through most of the hymn. The Doorkeeper ( who sadly has to stand near the door and therefore the Organ complains that it is all too loud ) Nope - you cannot play that hymn too loud...

And so - as the weather settles down and Susie spends another day in Hospital - I will go and sit with the dog and swill a glass of wine and watch a "Death in Paradise" ..

DAY 4 : What I would have as my rules if I were an Evil Overlord!

Cheers !

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