Sunday, 30 March 2014

30th March 2014 - 23 hours and Counting - Cards

We lost an hour last night
I felt it this morning as I failed to wake and get a cup of tea at the correct time..
But as we rode off to gather horse manure and retrieve the last piece of a chicken run in the sunshine of the morning it just seemed like an early start...

The first cup of coffee in the garden and a complete failure to mend the solar tree - tried the soldering iron - but think I put the wire in the wrong place - need to find another cheap solar fixing to see where I should have put it ...

And so I thought I would think about a little Vollsanger marketing .. It is always an option .. In this case I thought a pack of cards would be good...

 Not wanting to use the normal suits I decided on Axes, Goblets, Hammers, and Horns..
 And so the suits were developed
 Hammers and Horns .. can't fault it

And then there is the jokers - in this case there has to be Loki !!!
And of course there must be a backing card...

And so we will take a pack of cards for the evening ...      Looking forward to a good year ...

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