Tuesday, 11 March 2014

11th March 2014 - Enoch and the Vicar (Norton Recollections)

I thought I had too much time on my hands - but I found a website with old photographs re-coloured to make them up to date and thought about the hours that this must take. The results were very effective however and well worth sharing ...

Such thoughts lead you to considering the past and two pictures caught my imagination most.. The crash of the Hindenberg...
and a picture circa 1927 of a car wreck in the USA.. this one only for the clothes and the expressions..

But we each can recall strange things from our early days and my mother shared this little gem, an insight into her own childhood and the people that made up her life... A larger than life character - her Grandad Enoch!! Well known for his shire horses and for his swearing and his lack of respect for the established Church....
She tells this short story...

"Thought you might like a little scenario which probably highlighted my memories of Grandad Enoch...
It had to be a Wednesday afternoon (my mum always went to Norton to help Granny clean the house (Traditional daughter thing)

About 3 30pm Grandad was sitting near the range having just come from the stables. Trilby hat on but in shirt sleeves. Granny taking out the two plates with his Dinner left to warm. Sitting opposite "The Vicar", a weekly visitor as Granny was in the Women's Instititute.

Suddenly Grandad put his knife and fork down, looked at the vicar and said "Now about next Sunday's sermon, I have a saying you could dwell upon ..........

"A whining woman and a crowing hen are neither good for God or Men""

Deep silence.... A flustered offer of a cup of tea to the vicar and the Vicar shuffling off. Granny trying not to smile!!!

That is my memory of Enoch. I Must have been about 5 years old. I wonder if he ever gave that sermon!!!!!!!

Thought for the day!!!! He was a character with the most swear words ever heard But he used to apologise "to the children "

Byee have a nice day mamma"

I also wonder if he ever made that sermon.....

[ 14:13 -7 : MPV 1446+206 ]

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