Thursday 4 January 2024

04 January 2024 - Sunsets in the rain

Thought for the day :"When you do squats, are your knees supposed to sound like a goat chewing on an aluminium can stuffed with celery? Just Asking"

Rain 4 : Dry 0
(Granted it was not pouring - but certainly wet)

Lazy day - aren't they all?
Walked the dogs - um not much else. 
But as I put the chickens away this evening - there was a fine sunset over the hill..

In other news:

Born on this day 1940 in Cardiff,
Professor Brian Josephson - Nobel prize-winning physicist and 'pioneer of the paranormal'. and whose motto is 'nullius in verba' - take nobody’s word for it.
Josephson was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973 for his discovery of the “Josephson Effect” which explains how an electrical current can flow between materials with no electrical resistance, even when an insulator is placed between them. It is used for making immensely sensitive scientific instruments that are capable for example, of measuring the magnetic field around a mouse’s brain.
In the late 1960s, he began to explore paranormal themes, such as the relationship between music, language and mind and in the early 1970s started practising transcendental meditation and trying to find a scientific basis for telepathy.

Brian David Josephson FRS (born 4 January 1940) is a Welsh theoretical physicist and professor emeritus of physics at the University of Cambridge.
...director of the Mind-Matter Unification Project of the Theory of Condensed Matter Group at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, a project concerned primarily with the attempt to understand, from the viewpoint of the theoretical physicist, what may loosely be characterised as intelligent processes in nature, associated with brain function or with some other natural process.

So There !!!

Cheers !

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