Tuesday 6 June 2023

6th June 2023 - Solar, Boxes, gravel, and another day at the coal face

Thought for the day :" There was a Roman Emperor who never aged after 19... his name was Constant Teen"

Tuesday, and the opportunity for a more settled day after the sudden arrival of solar team yesterday.

However, it has been really interesting to watch the Solar app and try to work out what is happening.
It seems that last night the batteries were fed from the grid until they were full - and therefore it cost us some money 
but then I look at the app today and see that we have drawn NO power from the grid all day - and I found the strange new experience of seeing the wheel on the electricity meter going backwards!!
And so it is as I take the 8pm picture - we are 16 kw less than this time last night !
Okay we are not being paid for these units but each is one nit that we do not have to pay for - so is worth the current rate that I pay - ie 18p until July - whatever the rate is after that time 

I understand that Barri will be coming back on Friday to set up the default areas that get fed when the battery is full - ie the immersion heater and the option on a storage heater which will be central to the house in the office  ...   I shall continue monitoring what we are getting and how much...

So - this is the installation - the inverter and the battery 

In other news - this huge box gets delivered and to be honest even looking at the label I could not remember what I had bought !!!

When I opened - it is of course the plastic grids for the pathway 

And later today .. We get the next ton of pebble stones delivered - I suppose I have no excuse now !

And also - the new gate is delivered and needs to be put in place..

May have to check that it is horizontal , and will have to dig in the pathway a little bit to allow clear access. 

Walked the dogs. Bought layer pellets and poultry mixed corn. Dropped the empty barrel back to Mantle and ordered for Father's Day Weekend.  The windscreen wipers have failed on the Vectra so Tom is getting the parts  for repair... 

Managed to get the solar panel and water pump working - am thinking that as it has to have a battery in the circuit - I may get a proper leisure battery and then use an inverter to keep the fairy lights working 
Task in progress...

Susie under the weather today - hasn't happened for about 6 months 
Hoping she is feeling better tomorrow after an early night 

Work progressing on our Event for the end of the month - plot managing and new ideas...
No spoilers here - they can appear after the event - to show what we though may happen and what really happens 

Cheers !

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