Sunday 11 June 2023

11th June 2023 - Logs and Solar Water Features

Thought for the day :"I got into a fight today – but I rolled 20’s so it was okay"

Sunday and the weather is continuing in a good heat and fine weather - though there are storms all over the country - but we seem to be missing them for the moment..

Susie having another poor day sadly - blood pressure the other way today and  lack of any energy. 
After eating, pressure dropped suddenly - we think it was diverting blood to the stomach ..

So my task today was to try out the solar panel and water pump from the river. 
In principle we knew everything was working,
Not too sure about the leisure battery but it seemed to be working. The 12v wire I had bought was far to small and the voltage drop was too much when we pushed water through the 50 mtr of pipework.

So, with the blue arctic cable connected - the power went through the circuit and water started pumping.

Well I can always get some more arctic cable for the yurt.

So - connected the panel to the controller - the battery to the controller, the arctic cable to the controller and the pump to the cable - and low and behold it works !!

So - put the panel onto a wooden frame and screwed it to the roof of the workshop, put the controller on the wooden wall, and ran the hose from the river to the cherry tree as proof of concept - not even very sure that it could push up the slope.. but it did 

And so it all seems to be working - ran it until the sun went down and it switched off. We shall see what happens when the sun comes up tomorrow.

The other job today was down the lower quarter..
Took the dogs down as an alternative to a proper walk as 'Thena should be kept on lead at the moment.

Saw the pile of logs and decided that they should be stacked properly.
It was too hot but decided to get that section cleared...

A little bit more each day !!
We will get there some day

Evening watching Antique's Road Show and Ten Pound Poms

Glass of Ffynnon Wen 

Cheers !

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