Friday 16 June 2023

16th June 2023 - Gates . Paths and Strimming

Thought for the day :"Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them."

So - a busy day today all over the estate 
Re hung the gate 

Susie dead headed the roses as it was so hot 

Other plants are also available  

and strimming in the lower quarter 

Looks better than it is in honesty

But it is the 16th of the month and so we need to do a recap of the last month.
We are nearing 3 years here in the homestead and that is a difficult think to comprehend.
When we started it was Covid and Isolation and not seeing people and therefore it was sensible to spen all day clearing the vegetation and building stuff..
So what is the justification now?
Why is it still going on ?
Well - because we like it I suppose.
It has now become a way of life. Look at the immense number of things that have to be done - pick one at random or final urgency and get on with it, start half a dozen new jobs, half finish several others, put others on the back burner for a while in case there is a deadline and there you go ..   

Camping lands bearing completion - may have them done by the end of the year. It is on the list. If we hadn't been able to use the Romany Caravan field for event next week then it might have been achieved already - but a solution provided an alternative.

The kitchen for the yurt is a priority - but now all the wood is stacked from taking down the raised walkways they need to be cleared first - so guess what - may b a later deadline for the kitchen 

But we have succeeded with another charity opening raising £250 again - this time for British Heart Foundation (Wales) 

And so - we still extend our general invite to old and new friends - come and stay with us 
Susie and Iain  

Cheers !

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