Sunday, 5 November 2017

5th November 2017 - Remember Remember - ummm What was I trying to remember?

Thought for the day:"One careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start your bonfire?"

How Many People Does It Take To Light a Guy Fawkes Bonfire?

  • How many safety inspectors does it take to light the bonfire?
    4.  One to light the match and three to hold the fire extinguisher
  • How many civil servants does it take to set fire to Guy Fawkes?
    23.  One to strike the match and twenty two to fill in the paper work.
  • How many Mafia hitmen does it take to light the bonfire?
    3.  One to set fire to the effigy, one to watch his back, and one to shoot any witnesses.
  • How many aerospace engineers does it take to light the kindling sticks?
    0.  You don't need a rocket science to start a bonfire.
  • How many Apple employees does it take to flame Guy Fawkes?
    5.  One to light the match and four to design the t-shirt.
  • How many Microsoft programmers does it take to start the bonfire?
    0.  Microsoft declares darkness to be a new standard.
  • How many God-fearing, tax-paying, law-abiding men in Las Vegas does it take to light a bonfire?
    Both of them.
  • How many fish does it take to set the Guy Fawkes bonfire burning?
Off to the South Coast ...
Cheers !

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