Tuesday, 14 November 2017

14th November 2017 - Busy Days

Thought for the day:"Is half a large intestine a semi colon?"

Thought it may be time for a hedgehog...

Going to go and brave the warehouse today in readiness for the big Central Heating burst next week, which I now note I shall be away for most of the second day and half the first - so I may not be the most popular person around ....

But the idea is to go and empty all the material boxes that are stored away in the Warehouse and use them to pack "stuf" that needs to be moved for the workmen. We may be gone for a while!!!

Ho Hum
Then off to pick up a bed for Scarlett and put the Bothy in for some welding and drop some car batteries off to friends who are trying to live "off grid"...

That and finish some accounts for tomorrow - "You do lead an interesting life Mr Beeblebrox!"

Cheers !

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