Monday 19 May 2014

19th May 2014 - Of Breaks and Box Trailers, Snoozes and Storage...

Thought for the day:  (paraprosdokian) "I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long."
(Mitch Hedberg)

On that subject, I am a great believer in a power nap in the afternoon. Many do not agree, and some think that the siesta is only appropriate for those areas where the temperature goes through the roof in the day.
But I came across a study today which reassures me in my dotage...

"Experts say a 10 to 20 minute “power nap” is best for refreshing your mind and increasing energy and alertness. The sleep isn’t as deep as longer naps, which allows you to get right back at your day upon waking.
A 30 minute nap can lead to 30 minutes of grogginess, as you are often waking just as your body enters the deeper stages of sleep. You’ll experience some of that same fogginess if you sleep for an hour, but 60 minute naps are good for memory boosting.
The longest naps—around 90 minutes—are good for those people who just don’t get enough sleep at night. It’s a complete sleep cycle and can improve emotional memory and creativity."

For my own lifestyle, I enjoy the luxury of being able to pop back for a sleep in the afternoon, and I generally go for the 60 or full 90 minutes. I rarely need it when I am working at full tilt, but as a previous thought for the day mused "the problem with retirement is that it is hard to stop if you have no momentum !!" No for a normal day - a nap is key to an enjoyable day and evening...

And so the saga continues regarding the boxes!! .... Sadly no photos this evening as I seem to have mislaid the camera...    No! Not my good Canon, but the handy - pop it into the pocket and take some instant piccies camera. Which is a blow as well as Susie wanted it to take photos for Ebay Sales tomorrow - considering the weather is going to be rain again..

But with the box trailer - care of Roger and Maxine, the warehouse is getting cleared. This morning, the boxes were cleared in a single unload - and then two more trips have made a substantial hole in the stores.
Hopefully tomorrow, an empty first thing as I left the trailer full overnight, and two more loads will clear the building..

The knee brace seems to be working, and dull aches is the order of the day rather than cringing agony, and at the end of the day every muscle seems to be aching - a feeling that is very reminiscent of loading and transporting the tavern in the old days...

But at 4.30pm I felt today that I deserved that quick crawl back to my "scratcher", and head down for an hour.. 'Thena and Rusty also approve and feel it is a good time to come and join me in the bedroom...
A quick run around and retrace of steps this evening - just in case the camera was lying on a floor somewhere - after all I had only been to three locations all day - but sadly no lucK  - We will see what tomorrow brings..

So, a successful day. Susie's water catcher for the Plotment ( also sadly no pictures yet ) is having a good test. The ground is getting some much needed moisture. Well on schedule for the transfer of storage.
Maybe a Gin and tonic ??   Don't mind if I do !!!


  1. Thank you, I feel like that is such an interesting subject. Sometimes I feel like I could plop my head down after work and sleep for hours on end. But, I will try to follow your tips to optimize my sleeping time, even if it usually is way too little.

  2. This is a specialised art - keep working on it :)
