Sunday 5 July 2020

5th July 2020 - Kanya, Covers and Copyrights

Thought for the day : "A virologist, an epidemiologist and a scientist walk into a bar.... Oh come on. Of course they didn’t - They knew better!"

Office of National Statistics

Seems that Kanya West (the rapper) has decided to put his hat into the ring for the election of President.. Also seems that he is quite well connected with the Kardashians - of whom I know nothing other than they are on TV the same as the Simpsons...

We shall keep an eye on how that all develops...
meanwhile Randy came up with another great song...

Cover up your freaking face

And talking of songs..  I am a little mystified...  I decided to add a song to my list - Whisky in the Jar - a good old traditional song that has been made a little more famous by Thin Lizzie and Dubliners, and get a copyright "Hit" on it ...
Apparently Sony music have copyrighted it as one of their bands has made a parody called "Whiskers in the Jar"  and thereby claimed the melody!!!
Well - I though I could challenge that - but did not realise that it is not Youtube that arbitrates - rather it just sends my challenge through to the big Company in question. So hoping that they look at my small challenge with kindness and do not take out my whole Channel !

My statement ..

This song is a traditional irish ballad.
The copyright claim is from someone who has made a parody of this traditional song, and then claims the melody as their own.
Mine is the based upon the traditional original (with minor folk based word variations as is common with live performers). It is not in any way based upon the parody,
I refer to the WIKI entry for the song:
" "Whiskey in the Jar" is an Irish traditional song set in the southern mountains of Ireland, often with specific mention of counties Cork and Kerry. The song, about a rapparee (highwayman) who is betrayed by his wife or lover, is one of the most widely performed traditional Irish songs and has been recorded by numerous artists since the 1950s." 
If anything my version is more closely based upon the variation by the Dubliners though I would claim my own arrangement and presentation.

I have no wish to monetise or take dispute other than it seems to me that a "parody" of a traditional song cannot claim the copyright for that melody and I would be grateful if you would look into this matter 

sincerely - Iain Sewell  - Performing artist.. 

We shall see the result in due course...

Hopefully... Exchange tomorrow
We shall see..

On to no 71 today Cambleton Loch - a good Scottish favourite..

Sunday !! Sunday Dinner and I am stuffed ! Sitting down for the evening I think...

Cheers !


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