Friday, 8 September 2017

8th September 2017 - Three Chairs for Me - Hip hip...

Thought for the day:"Nothing wrong with men in their 30's living with their mother - they made a film about it - Psycho!"

(Actually that is relevant as this film was released in 1960 on September 8th !!)

So - another Chair under the belt ...

This time Cynghordy Conclave - Secret Monitor in Llanelli. Unfortunately the current Supreme Ruler was not able to make it but luckily I had my Ruler Sash from the other conclave where I am ruler (by dispensation) so was able to complete the ceremonials ....

A busy day - but an enjoyable one ...
So - now I have to do the sums and cash up the bar - somehow I am meant to be able to get away from all that - but it does not seem to happen - Oh Well - just flog the willing horse ...


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