Thursday, 7 September 2017

7th September 2017 - Of Scarlet Cords

Thought for the day:"Been learning to guess the weight of dogs - picked up a few pointers today.."

So, the season starts properly today with the Order of Scarlet Cord  - Provincial Director of Ceremonies for a third Grade and Preparation Ceremony - followed by Cynghordy Conclave Order of Secret Monitor where I shall be taking the Chair - no pressure therefore !!

Little book has been out and I think I have most of it learned - we shall find out this afternoon I guess.

The Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord actually started in 1889 based upon 18th Century documents from Amsterdam and was then called the Knights of the Scarlet Cord and the rituals were re written by the authors of the Secret Monitor Order.

The Order was revived in the early 2000's and was an addition to the Secret Monitor Degree and in 2010 it was inaugurated as an independent Masonic Order thought the requirement for membership remains being a member of the Secret Monitor and the ritual includes proof of the second or Prince's Degree in that Order. As a member when the order was founded I am entitled to wear the Founders Jewel with my other regalia ..

So - better get back to the books...
Cheers !

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