Sunday, 4 June 2017

4th June 2017 - Humour and Escapism

Thought for the day:"My friend has changed since she became vegetarian - its as though I had never seen herbivore"

As I wake today to another atrocity in London ( The London Bridge Vehicle and later stabbings nearby ) I am gladdened that I live in the backwaters of Wales. All attention has been towards a big football match that has closed Cardiff for the weekend - which went without incident. It is difficult times that we live in.

During my police career it was a noticeable thing that appropriate and inappropriate humour was always a means by which my colleagues and I managed to get through some of the more horrific and disturbing things we saw each day. I still believe that this is a good means of addressing things that are outside our comfort zone - though others these days often criticise.

I shall however continue to be flippant and hopefully humorous, not concerning those killed and maimed, and suffering life changing injuries as a result of criminal acts from whatever individual justification being claimed, but regarding life itself and our daily experiences. I regret that the media is so committed to filling every minute with a continuous commentary that they insist upon advertising the individuals who perpetrate the horrors. Instead of condemning and moving on - we will once again have a full history of each, and hours of discussion from pundits as to why their motivation occurred and why it is so wrong.

So - a word from Mr Cleese..

I stopped getting newspaper a long time ago. I  shall not be watching the news channels today.

I have a series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer recorded on the Sky Box and I shall follow a world where the evils besetting us can be stabbed in the heart - and the angst of youth can be made more complicated by inappropriate relationships. I am on Series 4 at the moment. In fact I never got to see Series 7 which is in a box in the Warehouse ( how did you guess? ) so I shall be able to watch with enjoyment when we get to the final series.

In the meantime - have a video of a flying pig - which represents my first instinct with Pigsmayfly and the basis of my first website - "In a wonderful world - anything is possible - Even Pigs  May Fly!" I would like to return to that world now - so I shall go and make a cup of tea.

When Pigs may Fly

Or maybe I should return to the Recording Studio -
It is Sunday after all

Still politics continue as as we head to the General election in a few days .. I found this amusing. I presume they mean that they are setting up the room - a term for "rigging" - putting the cameras and the lights and the chairs and the sets - but maybe in means what it says .

Wishing you the best for today ..
Day 4D

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