Monday 24 June 2013

24th June 2013 - More Bothy

A bit of a frustrating day waiting for hsopitals to get their act together  and organise ambulances to get people home..   It is difficult to understand why it is so difficult to get someone out of hospital when they are ready to go, and free up a bed that is probably well needed by someone else... I am well satisfied with the care being taken, but the logistics department seems to be badly lacking...

But the new rotavator is here, and ready to plough the fields and scatter. Four pallets available to make a compost bin for all the waste across the road, and plenty of research on how to get rid of Japanese Knotweed.

And a moment to finally get around to naming the Bothy ....  Got the plastic for the lettering a while ago, but did not get around to the lettering until this morning, couldn't go out as waiting for phone calls.

But the Bothy front is now finished...

Have to consider the back now ...
Still thinking "Bothy the Van Byre Sleeper"  and "and a green one" for wach door - we will see.

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