Thursday 5 September 2024

5th September 2024 - More Brick Work

Thought for the day :"Wear a balaclava to bed, so if burglars invade they will think that you are part of the team"


So, back to the Pine end - the block work has bee taken out and will be reduced to the line of the window sill - a new plinth across and new block work tied into the inner walls 
Then rebuild the lower section to complete.
Ho Hum !

Meanwhile we found out why we had some Wasp problems when we first moved in 
This is a wasp nest removed from the cavity in the wall

Didn't have a banana for scale...

Dave and Rhys at work 

Meanwhile walking the dog - the fairies had been out making nets to catch wishes 

This evening went to Scarlet Cord and Secret Monitor at Llanelli - did not dine and was back by 9.15pm ..
Clearly I am missed - the control of the ceremonials is very poor and membership is very low ...

Cheers !

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