Monday 2 September 2024

2nd September 2024 - Big Vehicles and small lanes

Thought for the day :"The world would be better if we all grew vegetables - instead of voting for them"

Rain - a lot of it !

Took the dogs for a walk and got soaked - Weather app said dry until 4pm - lied !!!

And then we get a lorry coming up the lane ..  there is a very clear sign at the bottom of the road 

But this beastie decided that it could try the way 

Photos were pretty poor but looked up the website and it was CERTAS as the company 
Delivering Oil locally  

and the flowers suffered accordingly 

and a little damage to the lorry 

Reversing back down the lane 

In other news
Went to NCE and found the barrels for replacement 

and better photo of the damage 

In other news 

More renovations with the house walls 
Newspaper found inside suggests that this was renovated in about 1943 - from the detail about new safety bicycles useful for busses in the war and washing powder ...

But we also found that there is only a poor wooden lintel on the window which doesn't actually meet the supporting pillar and a piece of slate - possibly asbestos !!   and not much else - We took the sensor light down - it may have had power it was pretty inconclusive so was safer to remove entirely - we have not needed it up to now so we can do without it

Two days into the task - we shall see what happens 

Ho Hum 

Cheers !


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