Wednesday 4 September 2024

4th September 2024 - Clearing Meerkat Mountain and Stones in the River

Thought for the day :"They are sending a ship into space to say sorry to all the aliens - It is to be called the Apollo G"


After a painful day yesterday - had little or no problem from the hip today - strange!!
Walked the dogs as I think we had a visitor last night - a fox or something managed to grab the bag of rubbish and spread it all along the laurel hedge - Dogs barking in the middle of the night and rushed off like loonies this morning when w finally let them out - and went walk about - apparently up ion Wyn's Field opposite ...

In other news, Susie has been working hard for the last few days on Meerkat Mountain Slope and has managed to get access to the steps and  clear the tree growing on the side ready to add more heather from Nancy's  

While I cleared the hardstanding and moved all the scaffolding so I could access the car if need be ( the Volvo is down at the layby) I got into the river today and did a half dozen baskets of stones to start teh Gabion Cages.. 

In other news, Mrs Blackie is still looking after the Chicks very well and the ducklings are thriving - even if under the other perching birds..
Cleared out the duck shed today ready to transfer them as they get to big for their current brooding cage.

Jewsons finally arrived at about 5pm - too late for any work and also without the linteland beading 
so they will have to deliver again in the morning...

Cheers !


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