Monday 16 September 2024

16th September 2024 - Monthly Roundup - Mainly House

Thought for the day :"Stop posting your problems on Facebook and go to the Tavern like everyone else"

Dry (and a little sunny)

Time for the monthly post 

Pinned Post - 16th September 2024

So as we hit our monthly anniversary, this month has been mainly affected by our decision that a 300+ year old cottage really ought not to have render on the outside but should have a proper lime covering and a lime wash to keep the walls breathing and remove chances of damp.
We have not really suffered from much damp but there are sections of wall which show that moisture is penetrating.
It all seemed a really good idea and last year we had some quotes for doing the work. Removal of the current render and then pointing and washing with lime. The estimates seemed to be pretty affordable, in the range of £5,000 if no real problems were identified.
Late August and work started, not with the original tender but with a friend/builder who, lucky for us, has specialised in the past in renovating old cottages.
We were lucky in making this decision, for after starting to remove the covering on the pine end it quickly became clear that previous work on the building was of a very poor nature, and the age of the building did not help.
When the outer render was removed - the stones were just crumbling and loose to the touch.
The roof had previously been raised - we do not know exactly when but we are thinking in the early 60's.
I have since found some plans that specified that the existing stonework should have a ring beam and block work, with insulation blocks on the interior wall.
It seems that they got the plans and then decided to go ahead without using those specifications. The Blockwork at the top where the cottage has been raised is sitting on the old stone work - and it looks as though the gap (which was normally just filled with any old rubbish) was allowed to get wet while the job was being done so all the lime mortar has just crumbled into earth.
As a result each of the walls are bulging under the weight, and some underpinning at the east corner shows that the corner has dropped allowing the whole section to start coming adrift.
The solution has been to rebuild the Pine end - put a new ring beam, and rebuild the block work - then point the stone and lime render it all.
The side walls have been a different problem and the decision is to put three buttresses to hold the stonework in place.
And so, on our anniversary - we have the pine end rebuilt and starting on the side walls (the part facing the road).
This could be a long job - but Dave the Builder is still smiling - he is doing a great job - but it will not be quick.
Hopefully I am not posting the same message next anniversary 
However - we are still open for visitors - and look forward to seeing you if you can drop in 
Iain & Susie   


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