Monday 23 September 2024

23rd September 2024 - And back to the animals

Thought for the day :"The oldest flute discovered is 60,000 years old. The earliest record of people wearing trousers is 20,000 years ago. So people played the flute without trousers for 40,000 years"  


Early and rude awakening with the Jewson's wagon turning up before 8am and needing unloading - which meant moving the car and then finding that one of the pallets had broken so a stack of blocks had to be unloaded by hand - a brisk start to the day ...

Forecast is still for rain today -  but the slabs were covered up over the weekend so the concrete was dry enough to start building the buttresses.

Jobs for the day - mend the door to the Chicken House and build a gate for the back of the coop so we can let the babies have more room - and clean them out as they really need cleaning now they are getting bigger. May need a ramp for the ducklings as well so that they can start using their outer area. 

It is damp with a light rain so we should be able to get some outside stuff done.


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