Thursday 5 September 2024

5th September 2024 - More Brick Work

Thought for the day :"Wear a balaclava to bed, so if burglars invade they will think that you are part of the team"


So, back to the Pine end - the block work has bee taken out and will be reduced to the line of the window sill - a new plinth across and new block work tied into the inner walls 
Then rebuild the lower section to complete.
Ho Hum !

Meanwhile we found out why we had some Wasp problems when we first moved in 
This is a wasp nest removed from the cavity in the wall

Didn't have a banana for scale...

Dave and Rhys at work 

Meanwhile walking the dog - the fairies had been out making nets to catch wishes 

This evening went to Scarlet Cord and Secret Monitor at Llanelli - did not dine and was back by 9.15pm ..
Clearly I am missed - the control of the ceremonials is very poor and membership is very low ...

Cheers !

Wednesday 4 September 2024

4th September 2024 - Clearing Meerkat Mountain and Stones in the River

Thought for the day :"They are sending a ship into space to say sorry to all the aliens - It is to be called the Apollo G"


After a painful day yesterday - had little or no problem from the hip today - strange!!
Walked the dogs as I think we had a visitor last night - a fox or something managed to grab the bag of rubbish and spread it all along the laurel hedge - Dogs barking in the middle of the night and rushed off like loonies this morning when w finally let them out - and went walk about - apparently up ion Wyn's Field opposite ...

In other news, Susie has been working hard for the last few days on Meerkat Mountain Slope and has managed to get access to the steps and  clear the tree growing on the side ready to add more heather from Nancy's  

While I cleared the hardstanding and moved all the scaffolding so I could access the car if need be ( the Volvo is down at the layby) I got into the river today and did a half dozen baskets of stones to start teh Gabion Cages.. 

In other news, Mrs Blackie is still looking after the Chicks very well and the ducklings are thriving - even if under the other perching birds..
Cleared out the duck shed today ready to transfer them as they get to big for their current brooding cage.

Jewsons finally arrived at about 5pm - too late for any work and also without the linteland beading 
so they will have to deliver again in the morning...

Cheers !


Tuesday 3 September 2024

3rd September 2024 - Clearing Hard Standing and hunting Suits

Thought for the day :"Stop Blaming yourself and others, learn Feng Shui and blame the furniture"


So today I decided to clear more of the hard standing car area so we can get rid of more of the hard core

progress made 

However - right hip still giving way so Susie decided that I needed to see a Doctor and so we went to the Minor Injuries clinic in Cardigan to see if I needed an x-ray 

In fairness - triaged in five minutes and seen within an hour and after full manipulation decided that it certainly was not a fracture or injury and probably soft tissue. Does not help me see whether I have long term issues with arthritis in the bone or similar - but looks as thought rest and exercise should assist 

(Day 4 of Chair Yoga - )

Susie still attacking the Meerkat Mountain Hill

Walking the dogs and the berries are so full this year ..

Sarn Helen Chapter Rose Croix this evening - took the wrong regalia - having trouble finding a a suit that matches - have no idea what happened to the new Carmarthen Suit that I bought and never really used though think I may have found one of the pairs of trousers today and used with a non matching jacket - don't think anyone rally saw or noticed...

Back by 9pm to watch a prog with Susie who decided to watch Puss in Boots - so that's what happened 

Cheers !


Monday 2 September 2024

2nd September 2024 - Big Vehicles and small lanes

Thought for the day :"The world would be better if we all grew vegetables - instead of voting for them"

Rain - a lot of it !

Took the dogs for a walk and got soaked - Weather app said dry until 4pm - lied !!!

And then we get a lorry coming up the lane ..  there is a very clear sign at the bottom of the road 

But this beastie decided that it could try the way 

Photos were pretty poor but looked up the website and it was CERTAS as the company 
Delivering Oil locally  

and the flowers suffered accordingly 

and a little damage to the lorry 

Reversing back down the lane 

In other news
Went to NCE and found the barrels for replacement 

and better photo of the damage 

In other news 

More renovations with the house walls 
Newspaper found inside suggests that this was renovated in about 1943 - from the detail about new safety bicycles useful for busses in the war and washing powder ...

But we also found that there is only a poor wooden lintel on the window which doesn't actually meet the supporting pillar and a piece of slate - possibly asbestos !!   and not much else - We took the sensor light down - it may have had power it was pretty inconclusive so was safer to remove entirely - we have not needed it up to now so we can do without it

Two days into the task - we shall see what happens 

Ho Hum 

Cheers !


Sunday 1 September 2024

1st September 2024 - Back to Lawns

Thought for the day :" I deleted all the German names on my phone. It is now Hans free"

Rain - but dry enough to cut the lawns

Seems my right hip has suddenly given way - hoping it is a brief problem but having trouble putting weight on it today - managed to walk the dogs but getting started is difficult.

In other news... some flowers still blooming on the patio

But Fabio is losing almost all his tail feathers ...

and looking a little sorry for himself

And a great foliage from the Sweet Peas - but looks as though we will have no flowers this year
