Wednesday 24 July 2024

24th July 2024 - More preparation

Thought for the day :" New Medical Definitions : Fibula - a small lie"

Rain - Surprise Surprise

Walked the dogs with Zephyr  so she knows the routes and 'Thena's propensity to wander off and return unexpectedly.

Travel to Carmarthen to get goodies to take to German Mr Kipling Fans, resources so Susie can try to make a Cawl for the judges at Mythodea.  enough GF goodies for Susie not to starve and some Amstel so she can have a drink without fear of Weiss Bier  (Wheat Beer) 

Still packing and experimenting with the vacuum packing system that seems to be working well 
Rained so could not start packing properly. Hopefully tomorrow as we have a lotto get into a small space!!

No Photos today ..

Too wet and not much happening 

Cheers !


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