Wednesday 19 April 2023

19th April 2023 - Polytunnels and Planting

Thought for the day :"Sadly we've lost some of our local businesses recently; A door bell manufacturer has gone bust. It will have a knock on effect.!"

Another sunny day - though a little colder than previous - couldn't sit out in the sun today but it was bright to work in..

Started the day with two batteries of bosch strimmer clearing the pathways and borders.

We had a visitation from Nicky, Briony and family who wanted to borrow the incubator and kit, and have some of our fertile eggs so they can hatch them out at home  - a good excuse to stop and have a cup of tea / coffee ..

Then back to the polytunnel to get on with the raised beds..

So off to Newcastle Emlyn with a very reluctant Toby - but we have decided to start taking him for short trips in the car so he can get used to it ..  ion this case it was to get some seeds for Susie..

Also got some grass seed for the patchy lawn and lower quarter and Susie gave me some poppies for the lower quarter as well. 
While we were there I bought 50mtr or 1mtr wide membrane for the pathway in the paddock  as it will have to be replaced before we open for the Coronation..

Susie also started to examine her new electric rotovator -but we were a bit too tired to start that project today and so we put it back in the tavern to try again tomorrow.

And so I decided that it was dry enough after three dry days to try the Romany Caravan ground next door - only got stuck once but had the hand winch ready and I know how free her now - looks a lot better 

Tired this evening - Cheers !

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