Sunday 8 May 2022

8th May 2022 - Sweet Peas - Urinal Pees and Launches

Thought for the day :"I'm a social drinker. Every time someone says "I'll have a drink", I say "social I." "

A glorious sunny day - and maybe one where I should have thought about sunscreen - but it was a hard day for actual work... instead of messing about !

Decided to face the Urinal (always best that way otherwise you miss and it makes a mess) 

So the start of the day was clearing the area -which was enough for one day on its own. Mainly the wood that had been stacked in that area and the panes of windows that were badly stacked in the corner.
But after that was completed it was breaking pallets again - three more today and stacking them.
Put all the wooden blocks into the wood store so they can dry out and be used in the firepits.

Then selecting lengths of drain pipe that would fit together. tried some joints made of a larger pipe and then using the heat blower to melt it down - sort of worked but not properly so used the last of the leak proofing tape that I bought for the gutters.
Managed to get the pip form the urinal loo to the soakaway - it is on top of the ground at the moment and will stay there until I have plumbed the urinal in.

Next stage was to cut the front piece off the blue tub that we are using as the urinal. that was fairly easy with the jigsaw and the drain hole worked well with the auger drills I had bought earlier int he year - It is great to have the tools when you want them! 
Sadly - the base of the tub was not flat - in fact it was convex - so the drain plug was higher than the rest of the base - not a good system for a urinal !
Decided that cement would be the best answer and made a flat section - Susie thinks that there will still be a lip so we will have to look at another layer - hopefully with a slope tomorrow ...

So could not finish that part - but managed to make the pallet frame for the privacy area for the loo so that is done - also found that we have a plug in the back wall - so can put a light there to make life easier.

Susie was busy as well - She managed to get all the sweet pea pots set up with the poles and left the bulbs in to be ready for next year .

And looking intot hte garden she has planted out all the tomatoes

Hopefully we will be blight free this year (lost all to blight and had to make a lot of green tomato chutney)

and so finally - I put the signs up for the launch . Not heard anything from the village hall but decided to go ahead anyway ..
 We may be off the beaten track but maybe word of mouth will pass on - we will move the signs out to the main road later - we are 25 days to go 
Put my new electric flame lanterns over the sign and hanging on the main frontispiece wall and they are quite effective...

 Cheers !

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